Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Zox: School of Gods

Zox: School of Gods is a working title for a series of novels I'm currently undertaking. It's a rather daunting task for how long it will probably take to finish. However I find it enjoyable and as I write and research there is so much that I'm learning. Certainly finding the Absolute Write Forum was a stroke of luck as it is filled with an abundance of information. The site however is very distracting when I should be writing (or typing as the case may be).

The series, due to the main characters starting out at age ten would place the characters in the MG category. However by the end of the series the characters are 17-18 which would place them instead in the YA category. I'm not sure how that crossing would work.

Zox also takes a lot from mythology, particularly that of Norse Mythology.

The five main characters within Zox are a diverse group of friends. Three of them are homosexual (two males and one female) and two of them are heterosexual (one male and one female). Where the five do not represent a particular race or other orientation, side characters will. Not only am I longing for diversity within books, its a natural part of life. Without diversity would we not only be clones of each other? That kind of world I would find far too dull.

I was going to stick to only the third person POV of a single character, but did wonder if people preferred getting a chance to delve into the heads of all the main characters instead. Head-hopping from what I've read is frowned upon yet there are books out there that work well with multiple POV characters.

Blurb: The Prologue includes a mother telling one of our young protagonists:

"Hisashi isn't going to come home."


Now for those of curious minds about my name B. E. Cullen, let me tell you this. I was born with those initials and Cullen is indeed my fathers surname. I was born long before Twilight came out onto the shelves and into the hands of impressionable young tweens, teens and mothers. I do not however intend to give away what my initials are. Originally I was going to use a pseudonym, but a friend of mine mentioned that because of my actual name I might garner more interest. I'm currently testing that theory with this blog.

What was the draw to my blog? My name, or something else entirely? I'd be very interested to know.

However, the true reason for this blog of mine is to garner interest in the story I wish to write that I hope people will someday read and want to read it now even when its still in progress. I have a feeling too that this blog will keep me better on track, because then I'll feel as though I'm more accountable than if no one knew about my goals at all other than myself.

Just another way to keep motivated as well as to get word out about my future stories that if all else fails when it comes to the world of publishing, I can fall back on self-publishing electronically through kindle.


  1. (Thought I'd answer your questions on what drew me to your blog) It was the fact that you are another aspiring author, I admit I was curious about your name but it was mainly the author bit as that is what I searched to find this blog. Good luck with your writing, it sounds interesting!

    1. Thank you. I had an inkling people might wonder about my name. Good luck to you as well in your endeavors of that which you wish to write. It's always nice to see another aspiring writer.
