Saturday, July 14, 2012

Delight of Delights: Zox Second Draft

Oh delight of delights
my heart doth swoon
the words flowing
and the characters
more and more alive
the story growing
exponentially - Zox

I'm now at 8500 words. It may not be a lot considering I'm aiming for around the 75,000 word mark, but the first draft was 51,000 words so I'm thinking with this re-write I might actually reach my goal - if not exceed it (I'm hoping not too much though). I'm just rewriting it with removing, rewriting or expanding scenes. Adding scenes too that feel like they should be there.

My Manuscript's second draft is 11% finished. I'm excited and want to jump ahead... but that would be foolhardy.

Ronin Lee's name has been changed to Ronin Leigh. Don't ask me why, because my lips are sealed on that one.

The land around the school grounds is starting to take more and more shape. More exotic, more beautiful, more strange. The description is short, but it still helps one to visualize the landscape, though perhaps still leaves one wondering more about it.

I do so love tidbits of information scattered like when the wind scatters the seeds, the wishes of the dandelions. I wonder why people don't use them in salads as much as they used to, or in wine. My grandfather (and my late grandmother) told me so much, so often about these things. I know my cousins rabbit loves dandelions... but that rabbit I swear is part goat.

Now getting back to my beloved Zox: School of Gods, here's a little blurb. I know I'm always vague with only a sentence (maybe two), but I like to think they leave one wondering and trying to figure out what in the world is going on.

Blurb: Two pairs of hands reached up from the surface of the lake.

And for those of you whom would like to read something, I have a flash fiction horror called Black Dogs Howl. It's a free read that I hope someone will enjoy or be inspired by.

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