Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Starting the Second Draft of Zox

I've gotten about 2000 words now typed for my WIP Zox: School of Gods. Those words make up the prologue and the first chapter. It seems rather on the short side for a chapter, doesn't it? I feel certain however that there will be longer chapters... and who knows, I might do a third/final draft and the beginning might be longer or... shorter. I'm thinking of possibly combining chapter one and chapter two together with only a scene cut to the next day with the *** in between the scenes.

So far the only interaction is between one of the main characters and his mother. Thus why I want to combine chapter two with chapter one, because it'll introduce part way through it another main character. I notice that chapter two really needs to be fleshed out a lot more. There was a lot more telling than there was showing in the first draft and the first draft was 51,000 words. With showing more than telling I have a feeling that it'll surpass 51,000 words. I'm aiming for at least 60,000 words and at most 90,000 in the final draft.

I wrote it in 31 days last year and am finally writing the second draft after so much debate and procrastination. Plus my health hasn't been the best the past couple of years. When my hematocrit and hemoglobin, etc counts get low I have no energy to write or do much of anything else. My anemia has been labeled severe before and I've had to have a blood transfusion back in June of 2010.

I realize there may be those who have a problem with my novel series due to the protagonists that just happen to be gay and that most of the main characters are non-white. However I'm not writing the story for them, but for myself. It's a story that wants to be told and is constantly in my thoughts and even my dreams to the point where I guess one might consider it my little obsession. A fun and diverse one that I hope readers will enjoy once I've got the first book of the series finished and published.

Now onto a blurb, which is only a single sentence and as vague as the one in my previous post. I'm hoping I've chosen ones thus far that has each person reading this wondering what's going on or what's going to or has happened. I don't want to give too much away. I just feel that posting these and what I've been up to on a daily basis (when I can) will help me focus on the task ahead of me.

Chapter One Blurb: "What happened to Li, to your Father isn't going to happen to you."

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