Thursday, July 12, 2012

Continuing the Second Draft of Zox

It can be difficult to spot where I need to cut, where I need to expand and its always sad that my first draft must be denied perfection with all the sweat and tears I put into it. The second draft so far seems so much better. Although I'm skeptical of that really being the case, I'm going to soldier on until the finish.

Today was a good day, I got another 1000 words of the second draft finished. In the two days I've been working on the second draft of my manuscript that's 3000 words. Hopefully I can continue for the next several days averaging around 1000-2000 words. The sooner I've finished the sooner I can start on the editing and determine whether or not I need a complete rewrite or just a little bit of editing this next time around.

I'm going to start writing up a list of potential publishers to send the polished product to, it might be a few months before I send anything to anyone, but at least I'll have an idea of where I want to send the story. Hopefully a publisher that does both MG/YA. Although this is intended to be a series of novels, the one might be all there is and the characters are only 10 years old in it, but if I do wind up doing the complete series they'd be 17-18 by the end of it.

I'm excited, as Akuro has met Zaki another of the main characters. I'm really itching though to start on the second book in the series even as I'm redrafting the first. I understand people work on two or three different projects at a time, but this one just doesn't seem as though it would be working on two separate projects. I feel like I need the first to be finished before I can move onto the second so as to maintain a timeline and plot-line focus.

Anyway here is today's little quote from my WIP.

Blurb: "I wish I'd never woke up this morning," Akuro murmured to Zaki.

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