Sunday, July 15, 2012

Milestone: 10,000 words Reached!

Tonight (or this morning depending on how people look at just after midnight) I've reached another milestone. The 10,000 word marker. Actually its 10,200 words, but just as wonderful! I'm metaphorically dancing my tail off, inside my head anyway.

Now had this been a short story, ten thousand words might have been it. This story however cannot be contained within that small of a word count. Nor can it be contained within but a single book. I'm just glad that so far, the words have been flowing easily with little difficulty. For the most part anyway.

I've come to a point where its time to start on Chapter Four, because Chapter Three is done. It feels done and so I've got three chapters and a short prologue complete of my manuscripts second draft. I feel good about it. Much better than I did after reading the first draft. I've been trying to show so much more than tell and so far its working. My story is in third person omnipresent. I only recall of one instance where we're looking at things from a different characters POV. I'm not sure whether to keep that bit, or toss it. I'm leaning toward scrapping it, because it is after all such a small part and other than that we don't see things from his POV.

Still, celebrating 10,000 words just seems like fine. Next is the 25,000 word mark. Here's hoping I can make it in as short a time as possible while writing it as good as possible.

Don't worry too much, I'll still keep a daily up-to-date post per day or at least every other day until the end. This is a journey after all and I want to see where it takes me, where it'll lead. Even if that someplace is nowhere, because then at least I'll know.

Being 13.5% finished is just the boost I need to keep me going with my re-write of Zox. Although once I hit 25% that will make me feel all the more encouraged.

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