Monday, July 16, 2012

The Long March Up the Mountain of Words: Zox Related

I've just recently reached the 15,000 word mark. I've had to remove a couple of scenes and rearrange one or two from the first draft of Zox: School of Gods and added one that desperately needed to be added to the story. I've finished five chapters and a prologue and am about to start on Chapter Six next. My average word count per chapter is at 2500 words although not every chapter is as long as that, nor is every chapter as short as that. That is but the median of the novel in progress.

Four of the five main characters have made an appearance, albeit some quite briefly. In chapter six however he'll be making his debut. This also happens to be one of my favorite scenes in the story - although I have quite a few favorites in this first book. There's just so much for each of the characters to discover about each other. I'm hoping that readers will be able to feel the emotions of the characters like I do. That in some way each one will be able to identify with one of the characters even if its just their personality or the things they're going through.

I have so many hopes for this story and I dream about it and the characters in it so much. When I'm not writing or reading, I'm daydreaming about them. They've even managed to wheedle their way into my night-time dreams. I've grown to love them and like any mother (that's what I feel like to this story) I want others to know how beautiful my baby (story) is.

Being 20% finished with the manuscripts rewrite I'm feeling more and more confidant and the story's coming alive more than it ever has before. It's more alive then when I wrote the first draft. Maybe its because its been written so much better this time around.

My simple wish is this, that if the story gets published that someone will pick the book up and enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. That it will somehow resonate with them in some way.

Now I'm on my way to 25% which I feel is a big milestone, but the largest milestone I think will be 50% and 100%... because the middle can be a problem... and the end needs to have everything tied up (except for deliberate plot holes that will be tied up in later books of the series.)

Sorry, no blurb today. There was a poor little birdy who caused a power surge earlier this morning.

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