Thursday, July 12, 2012

This Has Been a Zox Update

Today I've written another 1340 words for my novel in progress Zox: School of Gods. 4650 words total. I may try and reach 5000 by the end of today if I have the time and I'm not too tired. Previously the place I was at in the first draft and the place I'm at now are similar. However I only had 2035 words in the original. Showing really does seem to add a bit more to the word count. It should make up for what I need to cut be it unnecessary words or scenes that just don't need to be there.

And soon a very important part of Zox is going to be writ. Although I believe everything is important. There is a reason for everything otherwise it wouldn't be there. I'm having a blast. I really thought the second draft would be hard, but its not. It's actually fun, or maybe its just that I'm excited about my story and that's why its so fun.

I'm going to be looking for a Three Beta Readers for my second draft once its finished, though I'm not sure when that will be. I'll probably try and find someone on Absolute Write as they seem to be trustworthy. I'd love to beta read others works, but I'm really only good at catching some grammatical errors and typos. Although those of whom are still willing to do a Beta Read Swap, I'm up for it.

You might be wondering why I want three beta readers for the same manuscript. It's because I feel the more eyes that see it, the more they'll catch either the same errors or errors and plot-holes that someone else didn't. However there are some deliberate plot-holes that will be addressed in the next book(s).

With my aim of making the story 75,000 words (although 60,000 would be fine at the minimum or 90,000 at the maximum) I'm 6% done with my manuscripts second draft. I have 70,350 words to go. I'd like to get an average of 2000 words a day going, but I'm happy with the 1000 words I've been getting done a day.

When's the best time to start searching for an agent?

Blurb: Ice blue met the piercing glare of disappointed gold.

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