Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beware these Agencies

Not every agency is out to help you, but instead to line their own pockets with gold. There are scammers everywhere and people have been duped through not fault of their own. A scammer is just like that annoying used car salesman, out to get a dollar and you a lemon. However there may be diamonds in the rough in a used car lot, just as there are agencies that are real and true and don't charge you a cent. The only way a good agent gets their pockets lined with gold is if they sell your book to a publisher and the book gets published and sold. They'll take a small percentage of what you make, but they've done their job by helping you.

Paying an agent or agency up front, they might never sell your book and you're out that bit of money that you might have needed in an emergency.

Here's a list of twenty of the worst agencies to be weary of as according to the SFWA THUMBS DOWN AGENCY LIST. That doesn't mean however that there aren't good agents out there, but a good way to keep abreast of the good, the bad and the in-between would be a place like Bewares, Recommendations and Background Checks on Absolute Write Forum.

I know that I was once susceptible to scams, but my family members had an eye for weeding out the suspicious. So I'm always weary of something that goes against the grain. When a number of people, particularly those with far more industry experience than I or anyone I know are gathering together to warn each other and potential future victims of a conman or conwoman a red flag goes up. That is when I delve a bit further into the research and make my own assessment and usually I come out agreeing with those who were trying to be helpful and keep people from being conned.

I've been looking into agents and agencies for the revision of Zox that I'm currently working on, so I'm glad to have found this particular feedback. I'm hoping that others who might not have been aware of it yet, will now find it useful in their own search for an agency.

~ B. E. Cullen

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Long March Up the Mountain of Words: Zox Related

I've just recently reached the 15,000 word mark. I've had to remove a couple of scenes and rearrange one or two from the first draft of Zox: School of Gods and added one that desperately needed to be added to the story. I've finished five chapters and a prologue and am about to start on Chapter Six next. My average word count per chapter is at 2500 words although not every chapter is as long as that, nor is every chapter as short as that. That is but the median of the novel in progress.

Four of the five main characters have made an appearance, albeit some quite briefly. In chapter six however he'll be making his debut. This also happens to be one of my favorite scenes in the story - although I have quite a few favorites in this first book. There's just so much for each of the characters to discover about each other. I'm hoping that readers will be able to feel the emotions of the characters like I do. That in some way each one will be able to identify with one of the characters even if its just their personality or the things they're going through.

I have so many hopes for this story and I dream about it and the characters in it so much. When I'm not writing or reading, I'm daydreaming about them. They've even managed to wheedle their way into my night-time dreams. I've grown to love them and like any mother (that's what I feel like to this story) I want others to know how beautiful my baby (story) is.

Being 20% finished with the manuscripts rewrite I'm feeling more and more confidant and the story's coming alive more than it ever has before. It's more alive then when I wrote the first draft. Maybe its because its been written so much better this time around.

My simple wish is this, that if the story gets published that someone will pick the book up and enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. That it will somehow resonate with them in some way.

Now I'm on my way to 25% which I feel is a big milestone, but the largest milestone I think will be 50% and 100%... because the middle can be a problem... and the end needs to have everything tied up (except for deliberate plot holes that will be tied up in later books of the series.)

Sorry, no blurb today. There was a poor little birdy who caused a power surge earlier this morning.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Milestone: 10,000 words Reached!

Tonight (or this morning depending on how people look at just after midnight) I've reached another milestone. The 10,000 word marker. Actually its 10,200 words, but just as wonderful! I'm metaphorically dancing my tail off, inside my head anyway.

Now had this been a short story, ten thousand words might have been it. This story however cannot be contained within that small of a word count. Nor can it be contained within but a single book. I'm just glad that so far, the words have been flowing easily with little difficulty. For the most part anyway.

I've come to a point where its time to start on Chapter Four, because Chapter Three is done. It feels done and so I've got three chapters and a short prologue complete of my manuscripts second draft. I feel good about it. Much better than I did after reading the first draft. I've been trying to show so much more than tell and so far its working. My story is in third person omnipresent. I only recall of one instance where we're looking at things from a different characters POV. I'm not sure whether to keep that bit, or toss it. I'm leaning toward scrapping it, because it is after all such a small part and other than that we don't see things from his POV.

Still, celebrating 10,000 words just seems like fine. Next is the 25,000 word mark. Here's hoping I can make it in as short a time as possible while writing it as good as possible.

Don't worry too much, I'll still keep a daily up-to-date post per day or at least every other day until the end. This is a journey after all and I want to see where it takes me, where it'll lead. Even if that someplace is nowhere, because then at least I'll know.

Being 13.5% finished is just the boost I need to keep me going with my re-write of Zox. Although once I hit 25% that will make me feel all the more encouraged.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Delight of Delights: Zox Second Draft

Oh delight of delights
my heart doth swoon
the words flowing
and the characters
more and more alive
the story growing
exponentially - Zox

I'm now at 8500 words. It may not be a lot considering I'm aiming for around the 75,000 word mark, but the first draft was 51,000 words so I'm thinking with this re-write I might actually reach my goal - if not exceed it (I'm hoping not too much though). I'm just rewriting it with removing, rewriting or expanding scenes. Adding scenes too that feel like they should be there.

My Manuscript's second draft is 11% finished. I'm excited and want to jump ahead... but that would be foolhardy.

Ronin Lee's name has been changed to Ronin Leigh. Don't ask me why, because my lips are sealed on that one.

The land around the school grounds is starting to take more and more shape. More exotic, more beautiful, more strange. The description is short, but it still helps one to visualize the landscape, though perhaps still leaves one wondering more about it.

I do so love tidbits of information scattered like when the wind scatters the seeds, the wishes of the dandelions. I wonder why people don't use them in salads as much as they used to, or in wine. My grandfather (and my late grandmother) told me so much, so often about these things. I know my cousins rabbit loves dandelions... but that rabbit I swear is part goat.

Now getting back to my beloved Zox: School of Gods, here's a little blurb. I know I'm always vague with only a sentence (maybe two), but I like to think they leave one wondering and trying to figure out what in the world is going on.

Blurb: Two pairs of hands reached up from the surface of the lake.

And for those of you whom would like to read something, I have a flash fiction horror called Black Dogs Howl. It's a free read that I hope someone will enjoy or be inspired by.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Day: A Few More Words

I'm happy to inform everyone that the second draft of Zox: School of Gods is still going strong. I've now reached 6800 words. I'll still be working on it more today, but sometimes I need a break from writing. If I'm not writing, I'm reading and if I'm not reading, I'm writing. That or lurking on forums and tumblr and wherever else might take my fancy. If I'm doing none of those, I'm watching some of my favorite shows or starting ones I've not watched before to determine whether or not I like them. I do know my favorite shows of all time are Quantum Leap, Sailor Moon, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Junjou Romantica, Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi and Queer as Folk (US). I've also been known to enjoy Dragon Ball Z, Kim Possible, Monk, Diagnosis Murder, CSI: Miami and Clifford the Big Red Dog.

I seem to be drawn to the numbers 7, 13 and 17. Other numbers too, but those are my favorite, especially 13. Not because I enjoy horror movies - frankly most of them bore me to tears. Unsolved Mysteries, 48 Hours and Mystery Diagnosis are the things which can really get to me - because they're real stories and when they're unsolved and/or mysterious that's when its scary and sad. I feel so much emotion for and over real people - especially those left behind, particularly ones without closure. I often wish and hope and pray that the bodies of the lost will be found and that the culprits will be brought to justice.

Now, getting back to Zox: School of Gods, I'm feeling really optimistic about it. It seems so much better than the first time. Maybe because its going so quickly, or because its written so much better. It's probably not perfect, but I'm hoping it's near enough and that beta readers/editors can give me some feedback on my weak points when I've finished the manuscript.

I was wondering if the title should be changed to Akuro Kikuchi and Yggdrasil... since not every book could be called Zox: School of Gods... because it is a school and that's where the majority of the series takes place, on the grounds of Zox... or maybe something like Zox: School of Gods and Yggdrasil. I guess figuring out a different title can wait till I've finished this second draft and have a couple other people look it over.

I'd love to be able to get to 15% today, but I think I've done well so far to be at 9% instead of stuck at 2%. 

And now the blurb of the day.

Blurb: Even if they told him that he wasn't dreaming, he couldn't find himself believing any of it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

This Has Been a Zox Update

Today I've written another 1340 words for my novel in progress Zox: School of Gods. 4650 words total. I may try and reach 5000 by the end of today if I have the time and I'm not too tired. Previously the place I was at in the first draft and the place I'm at now are similar. However I only had 2035 words in the original. Showing really does seem to add a bit more to the word count. It should make up for what I need to cut be it unnecessary words or scenes that just don't need to be there.

And soon a very important part of Zox is going to be writ. Although I believe everything is important. There is a reason for everything otherwise it wouldn't be there. I'm having a blast. I really thought the second draft would be hard, but its not. It's actually fun, or maybe its just that I'm excited about my story and that's why its so fun.

I'm going to be looking for a Three Beta Readers for my second draft once its finished, though I'm not sure when that will be. I'll probably try and find someone on Absolute Write as they seem to be trustworthy. I'd love to beta read others works, but I'm really only good at catching some grammatical errors and typos. Although those of whom are still willing to do a Beta Read Swap, I'm up for it.

You might be wondering why I want three beta readers for the same manuscript. It's because I feel the more eyes that see it, the more they'll catch either the same errors or errors and plot-holes that someone else didn't. However there are some deliberate plot-holes that will be addressed in the next book(s).

With my aim of making the story 75,000 words (although 60,000 would be fine at the minimum or 90,000 at the maximum) I'm 6% done with my manuscripts second draft. I have 70,350 words to go. I'd like to get an average of 2000 words a day going, but I'm happy with the 1000 words I've been getting done a day.

When's the best time to start searching for an agent?

Blurb: Ice blue met the piercing glare of disappointed gold.

Continuing the Second Draft of Zox

It can be difficult to spot where I need to cut, where I need to expand and its always sad that my first draft must be denied perfection with all the sweat and tears I put into it. The second draft so far seems so much better. Although I'm skeptical of that really being the case, I'm going to soldier on until the finish.

Today was a good day, I got another 1000 words of the second draft finished. In the two days I've been working on the second draft of my manuscript that's 3000 words. Hopefully I can continue for the next several days averaging around 1000-2000 words. The sooner I've finished the sooner I can start on the editing and determine whether or not I need a complete rewrite or just a little bit of editing this next time around.

I'm going to start writing up a list of potential publishers to send the polished product to, it might be a few months before I send anything to anyone, but at least I'll have an idea of where I want to send the story. Hopefully a publisher that does both MG/YA. Although this is intended to be a series of novels, the one might be all there is and the characters are only 10 years old in it, but if I do wind up doing the complete series they'd be 17-18 by the end of it.

I'm excited, as Akuro has met Zaki another of the main characters. I'm really itching though to start on the second book in the series even as I'm redrafting the first. I understand people work on two or three different projects at a time, but this one just doesn't seem as though it would be working on two separate projects. I feel like I need the first to be finished before I can move onto the second so as to maintain a timeline and plot-line focus.

Anyway here is today's little quote from my WIP.

Blurb: "I wish I'd never woke up this morning," Akuro murmured to Zaki.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Starting the Second Draft of Zox

I've gotten about 2000 words now typed for my WIP Zox: School of Gods. Those words make up the prologue and the first chapter. It seems rather on the short side for a chapter, doesn't it? I feel certain however that there will be longer chapters... and who knows, I might do a third/final draft and the beginning might be longer or... shorter. I'm thinking of possibly combining chapter one and chapter two together with only a scene cut to the next day with the *** in between the scenes.

So far the only interaction is between one of the main characters and his mother. Thus why I want to combine chapter two with chapter one, because it'll introduce part way through it another main character. I notice that chapter two really needs to be fleshed out a lot more. There was a lot more telling than there was showing in the first draft and the first draft was 51,000 words. With showing more than telling I have a feeling that it'll surpass 51,000 words. I'm aiming for at least 60,000 words and at most 90,000 in the final draft.

I wrote it in 31 days last year and am finally writing the second draft after so much debate and procrastination. Plus my health hasn't been the best the past couple of years. When my hematocrit and hemoglobin, etc counts get low I have no energy to write or do much of anything else. My anemia has been labeled severe before and I've had to have a blood transfusion back in June of 2010.

I realize there may be those who have a problem with my novel series due to the protagonists that just happen to be gay and that most of the main characters are non-white. However I'm not writing the story for them, but for myself. It's a story that wants to be told and is constantly in my thoughts and even my dreams to the point where I guess one might consider it my little obsession. A fun and diverse one that I hope readers will enjoy once I've got the first book of the series finished and published.

Now onto a blurb, which is only a single sentence and as vague as the one in my previous post. I'm hoping I've chosen ones thus far that has each person reading this wondering what's going on or what's going to or has happened. I don't want to give too much away. I just feel that posting these and what I've been up to on a daily basis (when I can) will help me focus on the task ahead of me.

Chapter One Blurb: "What happened to Li, to your Father isn't going to happen to you."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Zox: School of Gods

Zox: School of Gods is a working title for a series of novels I'm currently undertaking. It's a rather daunting task for how long it will probably take to finish. However I find it enjoyable and as I write and research there is so much that I'm learning. Certainly finding the Absolute Write Forum was a stroke of luck as it is filled with an abundance of information. The site however is very distracting when I should be writing (or typing as the case may be).

The series, due to the main characters starting out at age ten would place the characters in the MG category. However by the end of the series the characters are 17-18 which would place them instead in the YA category. I'm not sure how that crossing would work.

Zox also takes a lot from mythology, particularly that of Norse Mythology.

The five main characters within Zox are a diverse group of friends. Three of them are homosexual (two males and one female) and two of them are heterosexual (one male and one female). Where the five do not represent a particular race or other orientation, side characters will. Not only am I longing for diversity within books, its a natural part of life. Without diversity would we not only be clones of each other? That kind of world I would find far too dull.

I was going to stick to only the third person POV of a single character, but did wonder if people preferred getting a chance to delve into the heads of all the main characters instead. Head-hopping from what I've read is frowned upon yet there are books out there that work well with multiple POV characters.

Blurb: The Prologue includes a mother telling one of our young protagonists:

"Hisashi isn't going to come home."


Now for those of curious minds about my name B. E. Cullen, let me tell you this. I was born with those initials and Cullen is indeed my fathers surname. I was born long before Twilight came out onto the shelves and into the hands of impressionable young tweens, teens and mothers. I do not however intend to give away what my initials are. Originally I was going to use a pseudonym, but a friend of mine mentioned that because of my actual name I might garner more interest. I'm currently testing that theory with this blog.

What was the draw to my blog? My name, or something else entirely? I'd be very interested to know.

However, the true reason for this blog of mine is to garner interest in the story I wish to write that I hope people will someday read and want to read it now even when its still in progress. I have a feeling too that this blog will keep me better on track, because then I'll feel as though I'm more accountable than if no one knew about my goals at all other than myself.

Just another way to keep motivated as well as to get word out about my future stories that if all else fails when it comes to the world of publishing, I can fall back on self-publishing electronically through kindle.